Mar 10, 2021
min read

Rules for Focussed Success in a Distracted World

Without focus, your whole world delves deep into chaos!

What is Deep Work?

Deep Work is the ability to focus on a specific task without any distractions. Deep work is becoming increasingly valuable at the same time that it’s becoming increasingly rare. If you develop this skill, you will thrive.

Deep Work by Cal Newport focuses on how to create an environment in which deep work is possible and many successful people have shared their stories too. He describes how to improve your ability to work deeply and how to make deep work a major part of your schedule. In today’s world with advanced technology, it has been proven to be difficult for people to stay focused on a specific task even for a few minutes because of their smartphones, iPads, laptops and the list goes on.

Few points the book Deep Work conveys:

  • Figure out what is valuable to get you to your success.
  • Spend the majority of your time on it. Mostly in the hours where you think your attention will be more focused on that specific task.
  • Try to spend 3 deep sessions on it. 90 mins each if possible.
  • Almost any other task than your main task is a shallow task.
  • Nature helps to retain your attention span.
  • Internet and Social Networking Sites is a huge attention sucker and wastes a lot of time that could be invested in your main task.


Multitasking is a myth. Our brains weren’t built to multitask. Focus on one thing at a time. Don’t attempt to write a report while talking to your friends or listening to your music while you tend to learn something new. Studies on multitasking found that’s it negatively impacts your working memory, causes you to make more mistakes because somewhere in your brain your attention is divided and not fully focused on your Main Task. It also takes longer to complete the task if you multitask. “Be like a postage stamp. Stick to one thing until you get there ” – Josh Billings.

How to practice Deep Work?

It takes time and effort to form habits. We have to make it a habit of systematising our actions before and after deep work sessions. Make a routine by identifying the following items ahead of schedule:

  1. The date and location (i.e. from 3PM to 5PM at the library)
  2. When you get started, how will you work? (read research paper, summarise it, offline)
  3. Get rid of distractions- Move to a quiet area. Turn off your phone telling those around you to not distract/disturb you for a specific time period.
  4. Set timers- Set your timers to a specific amount of minutes, for example: 40 mins When your timer buzzes take a 10-Min break and then get back to work. This is also called the Pomodoro technique

These are a few techniques that help your brain to stay focused on a specific task that amounts to deep work.

Drain the Swallows

  • Schedule every minute of your day
  • Adopt a fixed-schedule productivity workday
  • Become hard to reach


Deep work is a skill that is rare in today’s world. If you cultivate this skill, it can become a lot easier for you to achieve your goals. Quiet environments, preferably gadget-free, no multitasking helps your brain to stay focused for a longer period of time and gets the work done quicker. If you liked this article, you will also love the book “Deep Work” by Cal Newport.